Figure 2: In 2019, 31,335 defendants across the nation were charged with immigration law violations, making this the largest offense category. Filings of immigration defendants have surged 53.7 percent since 2017 to surpass defendant filings involving drug offenses. Drug crime defendants totaled 24,722 in 2019, up 10.9 percent from 2017 and up 11.5 percent from 2014. Filings of defendants prosecuted for firearms and explosive offenses have risen 69.1 percent from 2014 to 12,575 in 2019. Filings of defendants charged with property offenses have declined 21 percent over the same time. Defendant filings related to sex crimes, violent crimes, general offenses, regulatory offenses, justice system offenses, and traffic offenses have all remained relatively consistent over the last six years.